I said that?

Some things I wrote

What is a linear data type?

April 23rd, 2024

As the name suggests, data types using a linear structure arrange a collection of elements in a line, where individual elements can be accessed based on where they are in comparison to the rest of the elements. Think of a book, where the page number is the index, and the content of the page doesn't necessarily have to correspond to the next, but they are still organized in a sequence.

#data structures


April 22nd, 2024

If you are experiencing neurotic patterns as a result of an emotionally deprived and traumatic childhood, you should understand that it's not your fault. They're survival strategies you developed to cope with difficult situations. It's important to be kind to yourself and recognize that many others have been through similar struggles.

You're not alone in this, and you're definitely not flawed or unworthy because of it. It's all about understanding where these patterns come from and giving yourself the support you need to heal. Consider seeking professional help or talking to someone you trust about what you're going through. Healing takes time, but with self-reflection, support, and nurturing relationships, you can overcome these challenges and emerge stronger than ever. You've got this!



April 21st, 2024

You led me on a dance, a waltz of false affection,
Each step we took together, fueled my deep connection.
But behind your words lay an avoidant's reflection.

Your breadcrumbs led me on a journey of delusion,
A maze of false hope, a twisted, cruel illusion.

I watered those seeds with tears of devotion,
But you, like a drought, withheld your emotion.
Your avoidance a shield, protecting your heart's core,
Leaving me stranded, longing for more.

I built castles in the air, with bricks of expectation,
Dreaming of a future, built on our foundation.
But you were a ghost, haunting my desires,
Leaving me stranded amidst my burning fires.

I'm tired of your games, your manipulative art,
Of being the puppet, dancing to your heart.

So now I stand here, weary and worn,
A heart once tender, now battered and torn.
I release the thought of you, and set you free to roam,
I deserve a love that’s real, a love that calls me home.
No longer entangled in your web of deceit,
I walk away, whole again, in my own beat.
And though you may linger, in the shadows, still,
I have found my light, my strength, my will.


Feeling Down? Have you...

April 20th, 2024

  • Exercised
  • Gone outside
  • Talked to someone
  • Eaten well
  • Limited your scrolling time
  • Gotten enough sleep
  • Drank enough water

What is a stack?

April 19th, 2024

A stack is a collection of elements that can only be accessed from the beginning or end of the collection. Picture a stack of pancakes, where you can either add a pancake (push), or take a pancake (pop). This method of accessing elements is called LIFO, and stands for Last In, First Out.

diagram visualizing the concept of LIFO, adding and removing elements from a stack.

A stack is an abstract and linear data type. Abstract data type (ADT) means you don't need to know how the data type keeps track of the elements. In these cases, the inner workings are abstracted from your knowledge. This is the same across different languages when it comes to ADT. Whether you use arrays in JavaScript or lists in C#, they both store elements and have methods that you can use to access them.

#data structures

Lyrid Meteor Shower

April 18th, 2024

Named for the nearby constellation Lyra, the Lyrid meteor shower is composed of pieces of debris from the Comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher. A.E. Thatcher was an amateur astronomer living in New York when he discovered the comet in 1861. The meteor shower itself has been observed for 2,700 years ever since the first recorded sighting was made by the Chinese in 687 BC.

This year, the peak of this meteor shower falls on April 21-22. If you are in the northern hemisphere and want to catch it, head away from the city lights and find a section of dark skies. The best visibility will be after moonset and before dawn. Lie flat on your back with your feet facing East and looking up. Wait for your eyes to adjust to the dark (30 minutes) and you should begin to see meteors.
